Borehamwood Map and Guide

Borehamwood map, view the Hertfordshire town of Borehamwood.

Detailed Street Map of Borehamwood

Borehamwood Map: Interactive map of Borehamwood, showing the town located near to Watford and Barnet in the county of Hertfordshire, England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Borehamwood, and get a Borehamwood town centre map, on which you can see the Elstree and Borehamwood Railway Station and the Hertsmere Borough Council offices in Elstree Way.

Borehamwood is in the district of Hertsmere, Hertfordshire, it has a population of around 30,000, and was formerly part of the ancient parish of Elstree.

It is best known as the home of the British film industry during the mid-twentieth century.

Also on this Borehamwood map are Well End, Elstree and Scratchwood, you can also see the Elstree Golf Club, by panning out you can view Radlett, Shenley, Arkley, High Barnet, Barnet, Bushey Heath, Stanmore and Mill Hill.

In the Borehamwood area, visit the Ardenham Country Park and the Barnet Museum.

Borehamwood can be reached from the A1, A5 and M1.

Related Links: Watford Map - Rickmansworth Map - St Albans Map