Benalmadena Map

Interactive Benalmadena map, view the Costa Del Sol resort of Benalmadena and its neighbouring towns and villages.

Detailed Street Map of Benalmadena

Benalmadena Map: Shown above is an excellent Benalmadena map, outlining the busy town located on the Costa Del Sol, Spain. Popular with holidaymakers due to the fine weather conditions, Benalmadena attracts visitors throughout the year.

Using the controls on the top left of the map you can zoom in to view detailed street map of Benalmadena or move around to view different areas.

Also shown on this Benalmadena map are Torremolinos, Fuengirola, Punta Negra, Torreblanca and Pueblo Monterray. Zoom right in and you can get a Benalmadena town centre map.

Benalmadena is to the south-west of Malaga, which is also the location of the nearest airport.

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