Costa Teguise Map

Interactive Costa Teguise map, view the Lanzarote resort of Costa Teguise.

Interactive Road Map of Costa Teguise Lanzarote

Costa Teguise Map: Shown above is an interactive Costa Teguise map, provided by Google, it outlines the resort located to the north-east of Arrecife on the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain.

Using the controls on the top left of this Costa Teguise map you can zoom in to view detailed street map of Costa Teguise or move around to view different areas. By zooming out ('-') you can view the nearby Lanzarote resorts and towns of Arrecife, Los Cocoteros, El Mago, Los Cerros, Tahiche, Granados, Playa del Cable and Playa Honda, you can also see the Lanzarote airport.

A built for tourism resort on the south coast of Lanzarote, Costa Teguise is a popular year round holiday destination, it enjoys fine weather conditions and has good amenities, including a golf course.

As you will see on this Costa Teguise map, the resort can be accessed from the LZ-14.