Porto Colom Map

Interactive Porto Colom map, view the Majorca resort of Porto Colom.

Interactive Road Map of Porto Colom Majorca

Porto Colom Map: Shown above is an interactive Porto Colom map, provided by Google, it outlines the resort located on the eastern coast of Majorca, in the Balearic Islands, Spain.

Using the controls on the top left of this Porto Colom map you can zoom in to view detailed street map of Porto Colom or move around to view different areas. Visible on the map is the main town, the harbour area and the beach area of Cala Marcal. By zooming out ('-') a couple of steps you can also view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Calas de Mallorca, Cala Murada, S'Horta, Calonge, Cala Ferrara, Cala Serena and Portopetro.

A popular family holiday resort enjoying fine weather conditions, Porto Colom has a pretty harbour, nice beach, and excellent facilities.

More Majorca Information: Majorca Map

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