Tavistock Map and Guide

Tavistock map, useful map of Tavistock a market town near the Dartmoor National park in Devon.

Detailed Street Map of Tavistock Devon

Tavistock Map: Above you can view a map of Tavistock a small market town situated on the River Tavy, close to the Dartmoor National Park in Devon, south-west England. Use the zoom (+) feature to get a detailed street map of Tavistock town centre and find your destination point in Tavistock.

Tavistock Devon: Developing around a safe crossing over the River Tavy, and an ancient abbey (Tavistock Abbey) founded in the tenth century, Tavistock is a small market town in the county of Devon.

Clearly shown on this Tavistock map are Langsford Park, Kelly College, and Rowden Wood.

Tavistock can be reached via the A386 and the A390, it sits close to the western edge of the Dartmoor National Park and is a driving distance of 14 miles from Launceston, 15 miles from Plymouth, 22 miles from Ivybridge, and 40 miles from Exeter, it is a drive of 47 miles to Exeter Airport.

Tavistock Map Links: Ivybridge Map - Launceston Map - Paignton Map