St Lucia Map

Interactive St Lucia map, showing the island located in the Caribbean Sea.

Interactive Google Map of St Lucia, Caribbean Sea

St Lucia Map: Above you can view a useful interactive road map of St Lucia, a popular holiday island in the Lesser Antilles, in the Caribbean Sea. Use the navigation controls to view a satellite or terrain map of St Lucia, or zoom in to view specific St Lucia towns and resorts.

Among the main towns and resorts shown on this St Lucia map are: Castries, Cap Estate, Canaries, Anse La Raye, Vieux Fort, Gros Islet, and Soufriere. Zoom right in to view other places not shown, or to get detailed street maps of specific towns.

One of the Windward Islands, St Lucia has a population of 173,000 and an area of 238 square miles.

One of the must do things in St Lucia is the Treetop Canopy Adventure.

There are two airports serving St Lucia, one is at Castries and called the George F.L. Charles Airport, the other is the Hewanorra International Airport, at Vieux Fort in the south of the island, from either of these you can book car hire, get a taxi, or book an airport transfer.

Use this St Lucia map, to help you find your way around on your visit.

St Lucia Map - Google - Satellite - Terrain - Road Map - Street Map - Interactive Map of St Lucia