Bridgwater Map

Bridgwater map, view the location of the Somerset town of Bridgwater and the surrounding villages and hamlets.

Detailed Street Map of Bridgwater Somerset

Bridgwater Map: An interactive Bridgwater map, displaying the town situated in the shire county of Somerset, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Bridgwater or get a Bridgwater town centre map, showing Bridgwater College, Bridgwater Railway Station, Coleridge Gardens, Eastover Park, Sedgemoor District Council Offices, and the Church of St Mary.

Also on this Bridgwater map are Cannington, Wembdon, Bawdrip, Dunball, Chedzoy, Durleigh and North Petherton.

A trade centre as far back as Saxon times, the town of Bridgwater was mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (800 AD).

These days a busy market town with a population of around 36,000, Bridgwater sits on both sides of the River Parrett.

In Bridgwater visit the Blake Museum in Blake Street, the Somerset Brick and Tile Museum at The Quay, the Bridgwater Art Centrein Castle Street, and Fyne Court (National Trust) in Broomfield.

Bridgwater can be accessed via the M5, A38 and A39, Bridgwater is 12 miles from Taunton, 48 miles from Bristol and 155 miles from London.

Related Links: Taunton Map - Wellington Map

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