Kent Map

Kent map, road map of Kent showing the major cities, towns, villages and hamlets of the English county.

Interactive Road Map of Kent England & Guide to the County

Kent Map England: Google map of Kent, a large county in the south-east of England, United Kingdom. Often called "The Garden of England", Kent has a population of 1,660,000 (England's 7th most populous county).

Visible on this Kent map are the towns of Canterbury, Maidstone, Asford, Gillingham, Folkestone, Gravesend, Margate, Ramsgate, Sevenoaks, Sittingbourne, Tonbridge, Dover, Whitstable and many others.

Use control buttons on Kent map to get detailed street maps for specific towns, or a road map to find your route around the county, it can also be viewed in satellite mode (very interesting) and terrain mode (boring).

Among the many attractions that you can visit in Kent are Down House (former home of Charles Darwin), Dover Castle, Lullingstone Roman Villa, Deal Castle, Bayham Old Abbey, Eynsford Castle, Rochester Castle, St Augustine's Abbey and Walmer Castle and Gardens. These are all English Heritage sites. There are of course many more Kent attractions.

Kent is located to the south-east of London, its towns and villages can be accessed from the M25, M20, M2 and A2, it can also be accessed by railway (including the Channel Tunnel) and by ferry (Dover and Folkestone).

Kent Places:

Whitstable: Located about 5 miles north of Canterbury, Whitstable is a seaside town especially famous for its oysters, for which it has been renowned since the times of the Roman occupation of Britain. Whitstable has a population of around 30,000. Whitstable Map.

Kent Info:

More Kent Maps: Canterbury Map - Margate Map - Herne Bay Map

Kent Weather: Canterbury Weather - Whitstable Weather

Kent Golf Couses: Canterbury Golf Club Map

Counties Bordering Kent: Surrey - East Sussex - Essex