Isle of Wight Map

Isle of Wight map, view the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England, and its towns and resorts.

Interactive Road Map of the Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight Map: Interactive map of the Isle of Wight, located off the south coast of England (Hampshire).

Use control buttons you can pan or zoom to get a closer view of your destination on the Isle of Wight and plan your visit to the island.

Shown on this Isle of Wight map are Cowes, Northwood, Freshwater, Newport, Ryde, Bembridge, Shanklin, Sandown and Ventnor, by zooming in you can see many more places.

An English county and popular holiday destination off the south coast of England, the Isle of Wight has a population of 140,000 and an area of 148 square miles. The island has some well known seaside resorts such as Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor, and some great tourist attractions such as Osborne House, Carisbrooke Castle, Alum Bay, the Needles, Blackgang Chine, Godshill Model Village, and Yarmouth Castle.

The Isle of Wight is England's largest island, the second largest is the Isle of Sheppey and the third largest Hayling Island. It is the second largest by population after Portsea Island.

The Isle of Wight is generally accessed by boat and car ferries and hovercrafts run regularly to the island from Portsmouth, Southampton, Lymington and Southsea.

Isle of Wight Towns:

Ventnor - Located on the south coast of the Isle of Wight, Ventnor has been a popular holiday resort since Victorian times. The town is renowned for its sandy beach and its Botanical Gardens.

Isle of Wight Information: WEATHER

Isle of Wight Maps: Ventnor Map