Herne Bay Map

Herne Bay map, interactive map of Herne Bay, a coastal town in the county of Kent, England.

Detailed Street Map of Herne Bay Kent

Herne Bay Map: Above you can view a map of Herne Bay, a seaside town on the Thames Estuary in Kent. Use the zoom (+) control on this Herne Bay map to get a detailed street map of Herne Bay town centre and find your destination in the town.

Herne Bay Kent: A coastal town in the county of Kent, Herne Bay has a population of around 35,000 and is a popular seaside resort which started life as a small shipping port ferrying goods and people travelling between Canterbury and London.

On this Herne Bay map you can clearly see Herne Bay Railway Station, Memorial Park, Bullockstone Hill Wood and the A299 as it passes through the town. Zoom out (-) one step to see Reculver, Hawthorn and Hersden.

Herne Bay can be reached via the A299 and the A291 (Canterbury Road), it is a driving distance of 7 miles from Whitstable, 7 miles from Canterbury, 13 miles from Margate and 64 miles from London.