Dartmouth Map

Dartmouth map, view the Devon coastal town of Dartmouth, to the south-west of Brixham.

Detailed Street Map of Dartmouth Devon & Guide to the Town

Dartmouth Map: Interactive Dartmouth map, displaying the the town and port situated in Devon in south-west England.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Dartmouth & a Dartmouth town centre map, showing the Britannia Royal Naval College, the Darmouth Hospital, Bayard's Cove Fort, and the Townstal Industrial Estate. You can also see the River Dart as it flows into the sea.

Also on this Dartmouth map are Kingsweir, Redlap, Norton, Bugford, Hillhead, Capton, Downton, Strawberry Valley, Embridge, Bowden, Venn, Ash, Blackwell, Fuge, Greenwood and Stoke Fleming.

A historic port and town at the mouth of the River Dart estuary, Dartmouth is now a popular tourist destination on Devon's south coast. The departure port for the Crusades of the 12th century, Dartmouth has a long maritime history.

When in Dartmouth visit Dartmouth Castle, Bayard's Cove Fort (an early Tudor artillary fort), Cleton Fishacre, Sugary Cove beach, Kingswear Castle, Brixham Heritage Museum in Brixham, and the Greenway Estate and gardens on the banks of the River Dart.

Dartmouth can be reached via the A379 or the A3122, it is 37 miles from Plymouth, 42 miles from Exeter and 214 miles from London.

More Maps: Plymouth Map - Newton Abbot Map - Exeter Map - Brixham Map