Porthtowan Cornwall Map and Guide

Porthtowan map, view the location of the Cornish village of Porthtowan, near to St Agnes.

Detailed Street Map of Porthtowan Cornwall

Porthtowan Map - Interactive map of Porthtowan, displaying the village situated near to St Agnes and Perranporth in Cornwall.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Porthtowan or get a Porthtowan village centre map, showing Porthtowan Post Office.

Among the places you can also see on this Porthtowan map are St Agnes, Mount Hawke, Nancekuke, Mawla, Mawla Lane End, Skinners Bottom, Sinns Common, Cambrose, Wheal Rose and Bridge Moor.

A popular tourist destination since Victorian times, Porthtowan is renowned for its fine sandy beaches and dunes (towans) and its beautiful coastline.

Similar to other nearby towns and villages, Porthtowan survived for many centuries on fishing, mining and agriculture, though the tin mining had declined by the early 20th century.

Porthtowan in recent years has become an attractive location for surfers, offering some fine conditions for this extreme sport. The area is also popular with hikers with miles of delightful coastline to explore. Cottage holidays are the order of the day in this region and there are a good choice of Cornwall cottages to choose from.

While in Porthtowan visit the villages of St Agnes and Perranporth, the Perranzabuloe Museum, Trevaunance Cove, Chapel Porth, and the Cornish Cyder Farm near Callestick.

Porthtowan can be accessed from the B3277 to the south of St Agnes, it is 4 miles from St Agnes, 7.5 miles from Perranporth and 10 miles from Truro.

Cornwall Info: Cornwall Map - Cornwall Weather

Porthtowan Map Links: Newquay Map - Redruth Map - Portreath Map - Camborne Map