Toddington Map

Toddington map, view the Bedfordshire village of Toddington, to the north of Dunstable.

Detailed Street Map of Toddington Beds

Toddington Map Bedfordshire: Interactive map of Toddington, displaying the village situated to the north of Dunstable and Luton in Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Toddington and a Toddington village centre map, showing the Toddington Methodist Church.

Also on this Toddington map are Fancott, Tebworth, Chalgrave, Wingfield and the Chalgrove Manor Golf Club.

Toddington is large village located 5 miles north-west of Luton, it has a population of just over 4,000, it is popular with London commuters being close to the M1 motorway. Toddington is built around its large village green, the centre of life in the village. The name derives from Tot-in-dun meaning "hill on the downs".

In Toddington visit Toddington Manor Gardens, the Sundon Hills Country Park, Dropshort Marsh, Woburn Abbey and Tingrith Fishery.

Toddington is 5.5 miles from Dunstable and can be reached by road via the A5120, Luton is a drive of 9 miles.

Related Links: Toddington Weather - Dunstable Map - Luton Map