Camelford Map

Camelford map, detailed street map of Camelford in Cornwall, south-west England, United Kingdom.

Detailed Street Map of Camelford Cornwall

Camelford Map: Shown above is a detailed street map of Camelford a small town lying close to Bodmin Moor in North Cornwall. Camelford stands on the River Camel in Cornwall which quite obviously gave the town its name (Ford on the Camel), it has a population of about 2,256, and also due to its name has often been linked to the mythical Camelot.

Camelford stands on the main artery road the A39 meaning lots of traffic passes through the town, it is to the south of the unfortunately named Slaughter Bridge. Camelford is a driving distance of 6 miles from Tintagel, 11 miles from Wadebridge, 13 miles from Bodmin, and 233 miles from London.