Exmouth Map

Exmouth map, view the Devon town of Exmouth, located to the south-east of the city of Exeter, south-west England.

Detailed Street Map of Exmouth Devon

Exmouth Map: Interactive map of Exmouth, displaying the town at the mouth of the River Exe in the county of Devon in south-west England.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Exmouth & get an Exmouth town centre map, featuring the Exmouth Hospital, Exmouth Railway Station and Phear Park.

Also on this Exmouth map are Starcross, Bystock and Lympstone, also shown is the Warren Golf Club.

With a population of around 33,000, Exmouth is a fair sized town located south of Exeter, at the mouth of the River Exe in Devon. A port and seaside resort, Exmouth was probably settled as long ago as the 5th century (coins from this time have been found).

There are a reasonable choice of hotels, guest houses and accommodation in Exmouth, plus there are also rental cottages available in the area. Among the best known Exmouth hotels are the Royal Beacon Hotel Exmouth, and the Devoncourt Hotel Exmouth.

While in Exmouth visit the Exmouth Museum, the Topsham Museum, Powderham Castle, the Fairlynch Museum, and the World of Country Life, there are plenty more attractions in Exeter.

Exmouth can be reached via the A376, it is about 9 miles south of Exeter, 10 miles from Sidmouth and 180 miles from London, other nearby places include Budleigh Salterton. Exeter Airport is a drive of 12 miles from Exmouth.

More Exmouth Information: Exmouth Weather

Exmouth Hotels: Devoncourt Hotel

Related Links: Dawlish Map - Teignmouth Map