Budleigh Salterton Map and Guide

Budleigh Salterton map, view the Devon town of Budleigh Salterton and nearby.

Detailed Street Map of Budleigh Salterton Devon

Budleigh Salterton Map: Interactive Budleigh Salterton map, displaying the the town situated on the coast of Devon in south-west England.

Use controls to obtain a detailed street map of Budleigh Salterton or get a Budleigh Salterton town centre map, where you can see the Budleigh Salterton Tourist Information Centre in Fore Street, and the Fairlynch Arts Centre and Museum in South Parade.

Also on this Budleigh Salterton map are Knowle, East Budleigh and Kersbrook, also shown is the East Devon Golf Club.

A small coastal town located where the River Otter meets the sea, Budleigh Salterton has a population of around 5,000 and is in an area of outstanding natural beauty. A mostly residencial town Budleigh Salterton has a nice beach which attracts summer tourists.

When in Budleigh Salterton visit the Fairlynch Arts Centre and Museum, the Bicton Park Botanical Gardens, and Otterton Mill in Otterton.

Budleigh Salterton can be accessed via the B3180 and the B3178, it is about 14 miles from Exeter.

Budleigh Salterton Information: Budleigh Salterton Weather

Devon Info: MAP - WEATHER

Devon Attractions: Dartmoor National Park

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