Italy Map

Useful interactive Italy map, view the European country of Italy and its many towns and cities.

Detailed Road Map of Italy

Shown above is an excellent Italy map, outlining European country. Using the controls on the top left of the map you can zoom in to view detailed road map of Italy or move around to view different surrounding countries. On this Italy map you will easily spot the major cities and towns of Rome (Roma), Turin (Torino), Milan (Milano), Naples (Napoli), Bari, Venice (Venezia) etc, you can also see the islands of Sicily and Sardinia.

A country in southern Europe, Italy has borders with Austria, Switzerland, France and Slovenia, it also contains the enclaves of San Marino and the Vatican City. Among its islands are 2 of the largest in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia.

Italy Places:

Rome - The capital city of Italy, Rome has a population of almost 3 million and is one of Europe's greatest toruist destinations. Rome Map.

Anzio - The site of Allied forces landings during the Second World War, Anzio is a historic coastal city to the south of Rome. Anzio Map.

Bologna - One of Italy's major cities, Bologna is the capital of the Emilia-Romana region. Bologna Map.

Ravenna - Another of the cities of the Emilia-Romana region, Ravenna used to be a significant port until it silted up, it is now joined to the sea by a canal. Ravenna Map.

Rimini - Also in the Emilia-Romana region, Rimini is a coastal city with an International Airport which serves San Marino. Rimini Map.

Italy Maps: Rome Map - Anzio Map - Bologna Map - Ravenna Map - Rimini Map