Mousehole Map

Mousehole map, view the Cornwall fishing village of Mousehole located south of Penzance and Newlyn.

Detailed Street Map of Mousehole Cronwall

Mousehole Map Cornwall: Interactive map of Mousehole, showing the location of the small fishing village situated south of Penzance and Newlyn, in the county of Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Mousehole or get a Mousehole town centre map, on which you can see the streets Parade Hill, The Parade, Duck Street, The Wharf, Chapel Street, Gurnick Street and Mousehole Lane.

Also visible on this Mousehole map are St Clement's Isle and the village of Paul, by zooming out, you will see Newlyn, Green Rocks, Castallak and Lamoma.

A charming village to the south of Newlyn and Penzance, Mousehole has one of the prettiest harbours in Cornwall. A popular stopping off point for tourists, Mousehole has an interesting history and was destroyed by a Spanish raid on Mount's Bay during the 16th century.

While in Mousehole visit the St Paul Church, the Mousehole Bird Hospital and Sanctuary and the Newlyn Art Gallery.

Mousehole can be reached via the B3315 from Newlyn, it is 2 miles from Newlyn, 3 miles from Penzance and 46 miles from St Austell.

Cornwall Info: MAP - WEATHER

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