St Austell Map

St Austell map, view the location of the Cornwall town of St Austell, situated to the north-east of Truro.

Detailed Street Map of St Austell Cornwall

St Austell Map Cornwall: Interactive map of St Austell, showing the town situated to the north-east of Truro in Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of St Austell and a St Austell town centre map, on which you can see St Austell Library, the Restormel Borough Council Offices, St Austell Railway Station and the Holy Trinity Church.

Also on this St Austell map are Carlyon Bay, Porthpean, St Blazey Gate, Polgooth, Ruddlemoor, Treverbyn and St Blaise.

The largest town in Cornwall, St Austell has a population of around 23,000. Formerly important for tin and copper mining, St Austell later reverted to clay mining as deposits of China Clay were found there. These days a popular tourist destination, the St Austell area has such attractions as the Eden Project and the Lost Gardens of Heligan.

St Austell is 15 miles from Truro and can be accessed by road via the A390 and A391.

St Austell Map Links: St Austell Weather Forecast

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