Fowey Map

Fowey map, view the Cornwall town of Fowey located to the east of St Austell and Par.

Detailed Street Map of Fowey Cornwall & Guide to the Town

Fowey Map: Interactive map of Fowey, showing the small town situated east of St Austell and Par, in Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Fowey and to get a Fowey town centre map, showing the Esplanade, Fowey Hospital and the main streets of Fowey, such as Fore Street, Passage Street, Lostwithial Street, Rawlings Lane, Polvillian Road and New Road Hill.

Also on this Fowey map are Newtown, Lescrow, Mixtow, Whitecross, Menabilly and Polruan.

Fowey: A small town with a population of just over 2,000, Fowey is located at the mouth of the River Fowey, to the north of St Austell in Cornwall. For many centuries the haunt of pirates, Fowey was also a significant port, especially for the export of China Clay.

When in Fowey Cornwall visit St Catherines Castle, Castle Dore, Readymoney Cove, the Porfell Wildlife Park, Restormel Castle and Marsh Villa Gardens. Excellent beaches near to Fowey include Polridmouth Beach, Lantic Bay and Polkerris Beach.

Fowey can be accessed via the A3082, it is 8.5 miles from St Austell, 23 miles from Truro, 74 miles from Exeter, and 251 miles from London.

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP

Related Links: Fowey Weather - St Austell Map - Mevagissey Map