Overstrand Map and Guide

Overstrand map, showing the Norfolk village near to Cromer.

Detailed Street Map of Overstrand Norfolk

Overstrand Map Norfolk: Detailed street map of Overstrand, a small village to the east of Cromer in Norfolk, eastern England.

Easily find your way around the village using this Overstrand map which shows the main roads such as Cromer Road, Mundesley Road, Coast Road, the Promenade, the High Street, Paul's Lane, Grange Avenue, Clifton Way, Carr Lane, The Londs, Bracken Avenue and Hillingdon Park.

Overstrand Norfolk: A small Norfolk village with a population of around 1,100, Overstrand, like its neighbour Cromer has been important for fishing over the centuries. Its beautiful beaches now make it more significant as a holiday destination, attracting many visitors during the summer time. Known as Othestranda at the time of the Norman Conquest, it probably developed as a settlement sometime around the 5th century.

Once nicknamed "Poppyland" by London travel writer Clement Scott, a number of well heeled Londoners subsequently purchased property in the village. Suffering greatly from the coastal erosion which affects many nearby areas, Overstrand has seen many of its buildings disappear into the sea.

As can be seen from this Overstrand map, the village can be accessed via the B1159, it is about 2 miles from Cromer, 23 miles from Norwich and about 137 miles driving distance from central London.

More Norfolk Info: Norfolk Weather - Norfolk Map

More Norfolk Places: Great Yarmouth - Acle - Fakenham - Hunstanton - King's Lynn - Blakeney - Wells Next the Sea - North Walsham - Norfolk Broads Map - Morston - Weybourne

Norfolk Attractions: Felbrigg Hall - Blakeney Point Nature Reserve

Area Weather: Great Yarmouth - Norwich