Parracombe Map

Parracombe map, handy map of Parracombe, showing the location of the village in Exmoor North Devon.

Detailed Street Map of Parracombe Devon England

Parracombe Map: Above you can see a map of Parracombe a small settlement on the Exmoor National Park in Devon. Use the zoom feature (+) to get a more detailed street map of Parracombe and find your way around the area.

Parracombe Devon: Situated in the Heddon valley within the Exmoor National Park, Parracome is a peaceful rural settlement which is close to Combe Martin and Lynton in North Devon. St Petrock's Church in Perracombe dates from the 13th century, and Holwell Castle dates from Norman times.

Also visible on this map of Parracombe is Churchtown, Holwell Wood, and North Wood.

Parracombe Accommodation: There are a choice of self-catering cottages available for your accommodation in Parracombe (sse below).

Parracombe can be reached using the A39 which runs close to the village, it is a driving distance of 5 miles from Lynton, 8 miles from Combe Martin, 13 miles from Ilfracombe and 64 miles from Exeter.

Parracombe Links: Lynmouth Map - Ilfracombe Map - Woolacombe Map - Dulverton Map