Dulverton Map

Dulverton map, handy interactive map of Dulverton, a small town in West Somerset on the edge of Exmoor.

Detailed Street Map of Dulverton Somerset England

Dulverton Map: Shown above is a useful map of Dulverton a small town often known as the "Southern Gateway to Exmoor", located in the west of Somerset close to its border with the county of Devon. Use the zoom (+) feature to get a more details street map of Dulverton and find your destination in the town.

Dulverton Somerset: A small town in West Somerset, Dulverton is a good base for touring the Exmoor National Park. The town of Dulverton has a population of just 1,630 and it existed at the time of the Domesday Book when it was listed as Dolvertune. A popular tourist destination Dulverton lies between the River Exe and the River Barle and has a useful Information Centre for the Exmoor National Park.

Clearly shown on this map of Dulverton are Red Lion Wood, Burridge Wood, Hollam Wood, Battleton Wood and the Dulverton Sports Field.

Dulverton Accommodation: Dulverton has a limited choice of hotels and guest houses and some self-catering cottages (see below) if you are looking for accommodation in the town.

Dulverton can be reached using the B3222 (from the A396) and the B3223, it is a driving distance of 19 miles from Minehead, 23 miles from Lynton, 37 miles from Taunton and 90 miles from Bristol.

Dulverton Links: Minehead Map - Luccombe Map - Parracombe Map