Minehead Map

Minehead map, view the Somerset coastal town of Minehead, situated to the north-west of Taunton.

Detailed Street Map of Minehead Somerset & Town Guide

Minehead Map Somerset: Interactive map of Minehead, displaying the town facing the Bristol Channel, to the north-west of Taunton in Somerset, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Minehead or pan around to view surrounding Somerset villages, by zooming right in you can get a Minehead town centre map, on which you can see the Somerset Skills and Learning Centre, Minehead Ton Council Offices, and the Butlins Holiday Camp (Butlins Family Entertainment Centre).

Other places on this Minehead map are Woodcombe, Bratton, Dunster, Ellicombe, Middlecombe, and Alcombe, also shown is the Minehead and West Somerset Golf Club.

Perhaps best known as the location of one of Butlins largest Holiday Camps, Minehead has much more to offer than just this. Situated in an area of great natural beauty, Minehead is just to the north of the Exmoor National Park. The old town itself is very charming as is its picturesque harbour which was formerly significant for the transport of wool and salt. Minehead has a population of 10,330 and can be reached via the A39 from Bridgewater.

Head on into the nearby Exmoor National Park and you can see some spectacular countryside and visit some charming little villages such as Luccombe and Dunster.

Minehead is a drive of 24 miles from Taunton in Somerset, 73 miles from Bristol, and 181 miles from London.

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