Polzeath Map

Polzeath map, view the Cornwall village of Polzeath, situated near to Padstow.

Detailed Street Map of Polzeath Cornwall

Polzeath Map Cornwall: Interactive map of Polzeath, showing the coastal village situated near to Padstow in Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Polzeath or a Polzeath town centre map.

Also visible on this Polzeath map are Lundy Bay, Trebetherick, St Minver Highlands, Tredrizzick, Splatt, Rock and St Minver Lowlands, also shown is the Roserrow Golf and Country Club.

A small seaside village with a population of around 1,500, Polzeath is a popular destination for surfers, its beach enjoying sizeable waves rolling in from the Atlantic Ocean.

Polzeath has an excellent sand and shingle beach, with some rock pools to explore.

Polzeath can be reached via the B3314, it is about a 15 mile drive from Padstow.

Cornwall Info: MAP - WEATHER

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