Ulverston Map

Ulverston map, showing the Cumbria market town of Ulverston, located to the north-east of Barrow-in-Furness.

Detailed Street Map of Ulverston Cumbria & Guide to the Town

Ulverston Map Cumbria: Detailed street map of Ulverston, a small market town to the north-east of Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria, north-west England. Use controls for a detailed street map of Ulverston, and an Ulverston town centre map.

Also on this Ulverston map are Rosside, Nest Ness, Outcast, Dragley Beck, and Swarthmoor, you can also see Ulverston railway station, and the Laurel and Hardy Museum.

Situated in the South Lakeland district of the county of Cumbria, the small market town of Ulverston has a population of just over 11,000 and a history going back to Saxon times. Listed in the Domesday Book as Ulvrestun, is possibly gets its name from the Norse language. Ulverston received its first charter to hold a market in 1280, its traditional market day being on Thursdays.

Popular attractions in and around Ulverston include the Laurel and Hardy Museum in Brogden Street, the Hoad Monument, a great place to view the town and surrounding areas, and Stott Park Bobbin Mill, a working mill dating from 1835.

Ulverston in Cumbria can be reached by railway, and by road via the A590, the A5087 and the B5281, it is about 9.5 miles from Barrow-in-Furness, 24 miles from Kendal, 77 miles from Carlisle, and a driving distance of 280 miles from London.

More Ulverston Information: Ulverston Weather

More Cumbria Information: Cumbria Map - Lake District

Ulverston Map Links: Appleby - Keswick - Portinscale - Kendal Map

Cumbria Villages: Reagill