Beaconsfield Map

Beaconsfield map, view the Buckinghamshire town of Beaconsfield, located to the south-east of High Wycombe.

Detailed Street Map of Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire

Beaconsfield Map: Here is an interactive Beaconsfield map, showing the town situated near to Amersham and High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Beaconsfield or move around to view other Buckinghamshire areas.

Also on this Beaconsfield map are Penn, Knotty Green, Forty Green, Wooburn Moor and Wooburn Green, by zooming out you can see Seer Green, Wichmore Hill, Flackwell Heath, Chepping Wycombe, Bourne End, Gerrards Cross and Hazelmere.

Beaconsfield History: An affluent market town in South Bucks, Beaconsfield has a population of just over 10,000 and lies just off the M40 motorway, some 29 miles from central London. First mentioned in 1185, Beaconsfield was then called Bekenesfeld (which roughly means "a clearing in the beeches"). During the Victorian era, Beaconsfield was the parliamentary constituency of Benjamin Disraeli.

While in Beaconsfield visit the Bekonscot Model Village and Railway in Warwick Road, Odds Farm Park in Wooburn Green and the Amersham Museum in High Street, Amersham.

Beaconsfield can be accessed from the M40 motorway, the A40 and the A355, it is 6 miles from Amersham, 10 miles from High Wycombe, 20 miles from Aylesbury, and 29 miles from the centre of London.

Related Links: Marlow Map - High Wycombe Map - Amersham Map