Daventry Map

Daventry map, view the Northamptonshire town of Daventry, located to the west of Northampton.

Detailed Street Map of Daventry Northamptonshire & Town Guide

Daventry Map: Interactive, google map of Daventry, displaying the town, to the west of Northampton in Northamptonshire, East Midlands, England.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Daventry & a Daventry town centre map, showing the Daventry District Council Offices and Our Lady of Charity and St Augustine Roman Catholic Church.

Among the areas you can also see on this Daventry map are Norton, Staverton, Welton, Braunston, Daneholm Park, Daventry Country Park, the Drayton Reservoir, Heartlands Business Park, the Royal Oak Industrial Estate, the Drayton Fields Industrial Estate, the Long March Industrial Estate and the High March Industrial Estate.

A historic market town in the county of Northamptonshire, Daventry has a population of around 22,000 and a history going back to Anglo-Saxon times, when it developed as a small village between the 10th and 12th centuries. It received its first charter in 1255, and has held its weekly market ever since.

When in Daventry visit Everdon Woods, High Wood Meadow ancient woodland, Long Buckby Museum, and the Old Dairy Farm Centre in Upper Stowe.

Daventry can be accessed by way of the A45, the A425 and the A361, it is close to the M1 motorway and the A5, it is about 15 miles from Northampton, and 77 miles from London.

Northamptonshire Info: MAP

Northamptonshire Towns: Northampton - Wellingborough - Kettering - Corby - Rushden - Towcester