Rothwell Map

Rothwell map, view the Northamptonshire town of Rothwell to the north-west of Kettering.

Detailed Street Map of Rothwell Northants

Rothwell Map Northamptonshire: Interactive, google map of Rothwell, displaying the town situated to the north-west of Kettering in Northamptonshire, East Midlands, England.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Rothwell & get a Rothwell town centre map, showing Montsaye Community College and the Rothwell Arts and Heritage Centre.

Zoom out button on this Rothwell map to see the Northants towns and villages of Desborough, Rushton, Glendon Hall, Thorpe Malsor, Loddington, Orton, Thorpe Underwood, the Thorpe Malsor Reservoir and the Cransley Reservoir.

A small market town with a population of around 8,000, Rothwell is located to the west of Kettering in Northamptonshire. The name which means "Land of the Red Well" comes from the Danish language. The area was possibly settled as far back as the Bronze Age. The Market House which was started in 1577, took 300 years to complete.

Rothwell can be accessed by way of the A14, the A6 and the B576, it is about 5 miles from Kettering, 17 miles from Northampton, and a driving distance of 85 miles from London.

Northamptonshire Info: MAP

Northamptonshire Towns: Northampton - Wellingborough - Daventry - Corby - Rushden - Towcester - Braybrooke