Rushden Map

Rushden map, view the Northamptonshire town of Rushden, east of Wellingborough and south-east of Kettering.

Detailed Street Map of Rushden Northamptonshire & Town Guide

Rushden Map Northamptonshire: Interactive, google map of Rushden, displaying the town situated to the east of Wellingborough in Northamptonshire, East Midlands, England.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Rushden & a Rushden town centre map, showing Rushden Library, and the Rushden Historical Transport Society.

Also on this Rushden map are Higham Ferrers, Knuston, Wymington, Higham Park, Irchester, Caldecott and Chelveston.

A town and civil parish located east of Wellingborough in Northamptonshire, Rushden has a population of about 28,000, it grew as a town around the farming, lacemaking and shoemaking industries. It is well known for its football team Rushden and Diamonds. Rushden is the fifth largest town in Northamptonshire.

While in Rushden Northamptonshire visit Irchester Country Park, the Wellingborough Museum, and Willington Dovecote and Stables.

Rushden can be accessed by way of the A6 and the A45, it is about 14 miles from Kettering, 15 miles from Northampton, and a driving distance of 81 miles from London.

Northamptonshire Info: MAP

Northamptonshire Towns: Northampton - Corby - Daventry - Corby - Towcester