Dorking Map

Dorking map, view the Surrey town of Dorking, located south of Leatherhead, and east of Guildford.

Detailed Street Map of Dorking Surrey & Guide to the Town

Dorking Map: Interactive Dorking map, showing the town situated south of Leatherhead and west of Reigate in Surrey in south-eastern England.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Dorking and Dorking town centre map showing Dorking's 3 railway stations, Dorking West, Dorking Deepdene and Dorking Railway Station, also Dorking Library and the Mole Valley District Council offices.

Also on this Dorking map are Westhumble, Brockham, North Holmwood, Westcott and the Betchworth Park Golf Course, by zooming out you can also see Mickleham, Box Hill, Wotton, Effingham, Betchworth and South Holmwood.

A historic market town situated at the foot of the North Downs, Dorking is within the county of Surrey and has a population of around 17,000 inhabitants. Developing as a staging post on the Roman road between London and Chichester (Stane Street), it was later named in the Domesday Book as Dorchinges.

Dorking has retained much of its English market town charm and is these days renowned for its large number of antique shops.

While in Dorking visit Dorking Caves, Betchworth Castle, Holmwood Common, Box Hill and Denbies Wine Estate.

Dorking can be reached via the A25 and A24, it is 5 miles from Leatherhead, 6.5 miles from Reigate, and 26 miles from London.

Surrey Info: MAP - WEATHER

Surrey Places: Leatherhead - Epsom - Guildford - Woking - Camberley