Epsom Map and Guide

Epsom map, view the Surrey town of Epsom located between Sutton and Leatherhead.

Detailed Street Map of Epsom Surrey

Epsom Map: Interactive map of Epsom, showing the town close to Leatherhead and Sutton in the Surrey in south-eastern England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Epsom & an Epsom town centre map displaying the University College for the Creative Arts, Epsom General Hospital, Epsom Railway Station, and Epsom Downs Rail.

Also viewable on this Epsom map are Ewell, Epsom Common, the Horton Country Park, Epsom Golf Club and the RAC Country Club, by zooming out you can also see Hook, Chessington, Stoneleigh, Cheam, Ashtead and Banstead.

A town in the county of Surrey, England, Epsom is situated about 18 miles from central London. Epsom is of course renowned worldwide as the location of the Epsom Derby, held since 1780. Epsom was listed in the Domesday Book where it was called Evesham, and held by Chertsey Abbey.

Epsom can be reached via the A24 and A240 it is 3.5 miles from Leatherhead, 5 miles from Sutton and 15 miles from the centre of London.

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