Gosport Map

Gosport map, view this street map of Gosport, a large town in Hampshire, United KIngdom.

Detailed Street Map of Gosport Hampshire

Gosport Map: Shown above is an interactive map of Gosport in Hampshire, United Kingdom. Use the zoom button (+) to get a detailed street map of Gosport.

Gosport Hampshire: At one time a significant naval and military town, Gosport became so due to its proximity to Portsmouth. Probably settled during Saxon times when there was a village called Rowner in the area now covered by Gosport.

On this Gosport map you can also see the areas of Rowner, Portsea, Hardway and Alverstoke. Zoom out (-) for Fareham, Stubbington, Porchester, Port Solent, Cosham, Portsmouth and Southsea.

Although close to Portsmouth as the crow flies, Gosport is in fact a 13 mile drive from Portsmouth city centre.