Penryn Cronwall Map and Guide

Penryn map, view the Cornwall town of Penryn, located near to Falmouth.

Detailed Street Map of Penryn Cornwall

Penryn Map: Interactive map of Penryn, showing the the town and harbour situated near to Falmouth in the county of Cornwall in south-western England.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Penryn or get a Penryn town centre map, on which you can see the University of Falmouth and Penryn Railway Station.

Also on this Penryn map are Four Cross, Mylor Bridge, St Gluvias, Tremough, Mabe Burnthouse, Ponsharden, Kergilliack and parts of Falmouth.

A historic town and harbour on the River Penryn, Penryn has a population of around 7,000 and is one of Cornwall's most ancient towns, being founded by the Bishop of Exeter in 1216. The town is an important conservation area with many buildings dating back to Tudor, Jacobean and Georgian times.

While in Penryn visit Pendennis Castle, the National Maritime Museum, Burncoose Gardens and the Poldark Mine.

Penryn is 8.5 miles from Redruth can be accessed via the A39.

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP

Penryn Map Links: Falmouth Map - Truro Map - Mullion Map - Redruth Map