Weymouth Map

Weymouth map, view Dorset town and seaside resort of Weymouth, located to the south of Dorchester.

Detailed Road Map of Weymouth Dorset & Guide to the Town

Weymouth Map Dorset: Interactive Google map of Weymouth, a port, seaside resort and town to the south of Dorchester, on the coast of Dorset in south-west England.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Weymouth and a Weymouth town centre map, showing Weymouth Library, Weymouth Railway Station, the Weymouth and Portland Borough Council Offices, Weymouth College and the Weymouth Community Hospital.

Other areas on this Weymouth map include Wyke Regis, Overcombe, Coldharbour, Chickerell, Charlestown and Chapelhay, by panning down you can see the Isle of Portland.

Weymouth is a large town with a population of over 50,000, it originally developed as a seaport and fishing town, but later became important for tourism, and is still one of Dorset's most popular seaside destinations. Weymouth still operates as a port and regular ferries run to Jersey, Guernsey and St Malo.

Weymouth has a wide choice of accommodation, with hotels and guest houses and also self-catering accommodation (see lower down this page, where you will find cottages on offer in the area).

While in Weymouth visit the Weymouth Museum, Brewers Quay, the Tudor House, Undersea World, Nothe Fort, the Sea Life Centre and Sandsfoot Castle.

Weymouth can be reached by road via the A354 or the A353, it is about 9 miles from Dorchester, 29 miles from Swanage, and a driving distance of 138 miles from London.

Dorset Info: Dorset Map - Dorset Weather

Dorset Places: Swanage - Sherborne - Abbotsbury - Upwey