Upwey Map and Guide

Upwey map, view the Dorset village of Upwey, between Dorchester and Weymouth.

Detailed Street Map of Upwey Dorset

Upwey Map Dorset: Interactive, google map of Upwey, displaying the village situated between Weymouth and Dorchester, in Dorset, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Upwey and a village centre map.

Also on this Upwey map are Ridgeway, Bincombe Down, Lower Bincombe, Bincombe, and Broadwey. By zooming out you can see Weymouth, Overcombe and Dorchester.

A small Dorset village located on the A354, Upwey (together with Broadwey) has a population of around 4,000, and is situated roughly midway between Dorchester and Weymouth. Lying close to the source of the River Wey (hence its name), Upwey has attracted visitors to its Upwey Wishing Well for many years. Also worth a look in Upwey is the 13th century parish church and the 18th century water mill.

Upwey can be accessed by way of the A354 or the B3159, it is about 5.5 miles from Weymouth, 4.5 miles from Dorchester, and a driving distance of 133 miles from London.

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