Barnet Map

Interactive Barnet map, view the location of the London Borough of Barnet in north-west London.

Detailed Street Map of Barnet London

Barnet Map: Above you can view a useful, interactive, google map of Barnet displaying the town situated in London, England, United Kingdom.

Making use of the interactive controls on the upper left of the map you can zoom in to display a detailed street map of Barnet or pan around to view adjacent North London areas, by zooming right in you can get a Barnet town centre map.

Other interactive controls enable you to view a terrain or satellite map of Barnet

Among the areas you can also see on this Barnet map (zoom out one step) are East Barnet, North Finchley, Edgeware, Borehamwood and Elstree. Also shown are Byng Road Playing Fields, Monken Hadley Common, New Barnet, the Mill Hill Country Club, and Whitings Hill Open Space, you can also see High Barnet Underground Station and Totteridge and Whetstone Underground Station.

Barnet is a Borough of North London which originally dates from a settlemet of the 12th century and largely built on the site of the 1441 Battle of Barnet. Barnet since the sixteenth century has been the location of a famous horse fair (Barnet Fair) held on the first Monday in September every year.

As can be seen on this Barnet map, the town can be accessed by way of the A1000 it is about 7 miles from Borehamwood, 9 miles from Potters Bar, 15 miles from St Albans, and a driving distance of 9 miles from central London.

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