St Albans Map

St Albans map, view the Hertfordshire city of St Albans, to the east of Hemel Hempstead and north of Watford.

Detailed Street Map of St Albans Hertfordshire & Town Guide

St Albans Map Hertfordshire: Interactive map of St Albans, showing the location of the city located east of Hemel Hempstead and north of London in the county of Herts (Hertfordshire), United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of St Albans and St Albans town centre map showing the St Albans City Hospital, the Museum of St Albans, St Albans Railway Station and St Albans Abbey Railway Station.

Also on this St Albans map are Sandridge, Porter's Wood, Chiswell Green, Park Street, Frogmore, London Colney, Colney Heath and Marshalswick.

A historic and ancient city situated to the north of central London, St Albans was a settlement even before the arrival of the Romans in Britain, when it was known as Verlamion.

Under the Romans it became Verulamium and was the 1st major town located on the Roman Watling Street, for those heading north out of London.

St Albans now has a population of around 65,000 and is a busy commuter town.

On this St Albans map, you can see that the town can be easily reached by road via the M10 (M1), the A1081 or the A5183, St Albans also has excellent railway links.

Related Links: Harpenden Map - Hemel Hempstead Map - Hertfordshire Weather