Codicote Map

Codicote map, view the Hertfordshire village of Codicote and nearby.

Detailed Street Map of Codicote

Codicote Map: Interactive map of Codicote, showing the large village located to the north west of Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Codicote and Codicote vilage centre map with roads: High Street (B656), Cowards Lane, New Town, Valley Road, St Albans Road, The Riddy, The Ridgeway, Heath Lane, Old School Close and Bury Lane.

Also on this Codicote map Old Knebworth, Rabley Heath, Ayot St Lawrence, King's Walden, and Welwyn.

The first written mention of Codicote appears to have been in 1002, it was also mentioned in the Domesday Book (1089) and valued at six pounds! Its 13th century parish church was mostly rebuilt during the nineteenth century, though some parts of the original structure remain. The village has some interesting half-timbered buildings.

When in Codicote, Hertfordshire visit Shaw's Corner (former home of playwright George Bernard Shaw), Welwyn Roman Baths, Hatfield House, Stocking Springs Wood, Datchworth Museum and Lemsford Springs.

Codicote can be accessed via the B656 from Welwyn, it is 4.5 miles from Welwyn Garden City, 13 miles from Hertford and 29 miles from London.

Related Links: Welwyn Garden City Map - Knebworth Map