Berkhamsted Map

Berkhamsted map, view the Hertfordshire town of Berkhamsted, United Kingdom, located near to Hemel Hempstead.

Detailed Street Map of Berkhamsted Herts & Guide to the Town

Berkhamsted Map: An interactive Berkhamsted map, showing the small town located between Tring and Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Berkhamsted or a Berkhamsted town centre map, where you can see Berkhamsted railway station, the Berhamsted Collegiate School, and the Grand Union Canal, where it runs through the town.

Also on this Berkhamsted map are Northchurch, Ashley Green, Bovingdon, Potten End, Hawridge, Frithsden, Great Gaddesden and parts of Hemel Hempstead.

A historic town located in the county of Hertfordshire, Berkhamsted is well known as the location of the British Film Institute's National Archive. Berkhamsted has a population of around 16,000 and a history going back to Anglo-Saxon times.

It was at Berkhamsted that William the Conquerer accepted the surrender of Edgar Aetheling (the Anglo-Saxon heir). Berkhamsted castle dates from the 1080's and was abandoned in the 15th century.

Berkhamsted can be accessed from the A41 it is 6.5 miles from Tring, 6.5 miles from Hemel Hempstead and 33 miles from London.

Berkhamsted Map Links: Hertfordshire Weather - St Albans Map - Luton Map - Watford Map