Coalville Map and Guide

Coalville map, view the Leicestershire town of Coalville.

Detailed Street Map of Coalville Leicestershire

Coalville Map: Interactive, google map of Coalville, displaying the town situated in Leicestershire, Central England, United Kingdom.

Use controls for a detailed street map of Coalville and Coalville town centre map, to see the North West Leicestershire District Council offices, Donisthorpe Woodland Park, and Snibston Discovery Park.

Also view a terrain or satellite map of Coalville.

Also on this Coalville map are Coleorton, Swannington, Whitwick, Ravenstone, Donington le Heath, Hugglescote, Bardon Hill, and Ellistown.

One of Leicestershire's largest towns, Coalville has a population of almost 33,000 and a history going back to medieval times, when it first developed as a coal mining town, it grew larger after the Leicester and Swannington Railway reached the town in 1833. The town fell into decline in the late 20th century, as local collieries closed down.

While in Coalville visit the Snibston Discovery Park and Museum, Donington le Heath Manor House, Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary, Coleorton Wood, Hough Windmill, and Mount St Bernard Abbey.

Coalville can be accessed by way of the M1, the A511 or the A447, it is about 12 miles from Loughborough, 13 miles from Leicester, and a driving distance of 111 miles from London.

Leicestershire Info: MAP

Leicestershire Towns and Villages: Leicester - Melton Mowbray - Market Harborough - Hinckley - Lutterworth - Ashby-de-la-Zouch