Lutterworth Map and Guide

Lutterworth map, view the Leicestershire town of Lutterworth, located north-east of Rugby.

Detailed Street Map of Lutterworth Leicestershire

Lutterworth Map: Interactive, google map of Lutterworth, displaying the town situated to the north-east of Rugby in Leicestershire, Central England, United Kingdom.

Cheap Lutterworth Hotel

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Lutterworth or pan around to view adjacent Leicestershire areas, by zooming right in you can get a Lutterworth town centre map.

Also on this Lutterworth map are Bitteswell and Misterton, zoom out to see Magna Park, Walcote, Cotesbach, Bittesby, Ullesthorpe, Ashby Parva, Gilmorton, Kimcote and Swinford.

A small town located in the Harborough district of Leicestershire, Lutterworth has a population of about 8,000, and a history going back to Saxon times, probably getting its name from the Norse language. Lutterworth has held a weekly market since the reign of King John in the early 13th century. Lutterworth's St Mary's parish church dates from the 14th century.

In Lutterworth visit Stanford Hall built by Sir Roger Cave in the late 17th century.

Lutterworth can be accessed by way of the M1, the A5, the A4303 and the A426, it is about 18 miles from Leicester, 22 miles from Market Harborough, and a driving distance of 89 miles from London.

Leicestershire Info: MAP

Leicestershire Towns and Villages: Leicester - Loughborough - Melton Mowbray - Hinckley