Leicester Map and Guide

Leicester map, view the Leicestershire city of Leicester, located south of Loughborough.

Detailed Street Map of Leicester England

Leicester Map Leicestershire: Interactive, google map of Leicester, displaying the city situated south of Loughborough in Leicestershire, Central England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to display a detailed street map of Leicester or view adjacent Leicestershire areas, by zooming right in you can get a Leicester city centre map and see the Leicester Royal Infirmary, the De Montfort University, the Jewry Wall Museum, Leicester Guildhall, the University of Leicester, the New Walk Museum and Leicester College St Margaret's Campus.

Also on this Leicester map are Cropston, Thurcaston, Beaumont Leys, Anstey, Birstall, Thurmaston, Barkby, Hamilton, Humberstone, North Evington, Belgrave, Frog Island, Glenfield, Thorpe Astley, Braunstone, Stoneygate, Knighton, Evington, Oadby and Aylestone.

A large and populous city lying on the River Soar in Leicestershire, Leicester has an urban popluation of 441,000 and a history going back to Roman times, making it one of England's oldest cities. Founded in about 50 AD it was called Ratae Corieltauvorum by the Romans, and was a signficant trading centre at the time.

The town was later listed in the Domesday Book as Ledecestre and became important once again during medieval times. Its significance as an industrial centre began in the 18th century with the arrival of the railway.

Leicester can be accessed by way of the M1, the M69, the A6, the A46, the A50 and the A607, it is about 45 miles from Birmingham, and a driving distance of 104 miles from London.

Leicestershire Info: MAP

Leicestershire Towns and Villages: Market Harborough - Loughborough - Melton Mowbray