Cookham Map

Cookham map, view the Berkshire village of Cookham, near to Maidenhead.

Detailed Street Map of Cookham Berkshire

Cookham Map Berkshire: Interactive map of Cookham, showing the pretty village on the River Thames in Berkshire, England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Cookham, Berkshire & get a Cookham village centre map.

Zoom out for Wooburn, Bourne End, Hedsor, Little Marlow, Cookham Dean, Cookham Rise, Burnham and parts of Maidenhead.

Cookham is famous as the birthplace of the artist Sir Stanley Spencer, it is a charming unspoilt village which looks little changed over the years. It has a history stretching back thousands of years and prehistoric burial grounds have been uncovered in the area.

Fron Cookham visit the Stanley Spencer Museum, Cliveden with its fabulous gardens and views of the River Thames, the Maidenhead Heritage Centre, the Thames Valley Falconry Centre and Odds Farm Park.

Cookham is located on the A4094 between Bourne End and Maidenhead it is around 2 miles north of Maidenhead and 30 miles from London.

Nearby Places: Marlow - High Wycombe - Slough

Golf: Maidenhead Golf Club