Looe Map

Looe map, view the Cornwall coastal town of Looe, located south of Liskeard and west of Plymouth (Devon).

Detailed Street Map of Looe Cornwall & Guide to the Town

Looe Map: Interactive map of Looe, showing the fishing town and port situated to the south of Liskeard in the county of Cornwall in south-western England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to view a detailed street map of Looe or get a Looe town centre map, showing Looe Library and Looe Railway Station, and also the River Looe as it runs through the town.

Also on this Looe map are Shutta, Plaidy, Kellow, West Looe and East Looe, by zooming out see Great Tree, Portlooe, and Parkers Cross.

Situated on both sides of the River Looe in Cornwall, the fishing port and town of Looe has a population of just over 5,000 and is one of Cornwall's most popular tourist destinations. Fishing is still successful in Looe, with its small fishing fleet producing catches of high quality fresh fish. Looe is also a centre of excellence for shark fishing, being the HQ of the Shark Angling Club of Great Britain.

Looe is 9 miles south of Liskeard and can be accessed via the A387, the B3253 and the B3359, Exeter is a drive of 64 miles from Looe and London 236 miles.

Looe Info: Looe Weather

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP

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