Polperro Map

Polperro map, view the Cornwall fishing village of Polperro, located west of Looe and east of Fowey.

Detailed Street Map of Polperro Cornwall & Guide to the Village

Polperro Map Cornwall: Interactive map of Polperro, showing the location of the small fishing village situated to the west of Looe in Cornwall in south-western England, United Kingdom.

Use controls to get a detailed street map of Polperro or a Polperro village centre map.

Also on this Polperro map are Crumplehorn, Porthallow, Killigarth, Talland Bay, Brentfields and Tralaske. By zooming out you can see the town of Looe to the east.

Lying on the River Pol, the charming fishing village of Polperro is situated about 4 miles west of Looe. A popular tourist destination, Polperro has survived for many centuries on fishing, particularly pilchard fishing, and was also a notorious area for smuggling.

While in Polperro Cornwall visit the Polperro Harbour Heritage Museum, and the Model Village Land of Legend.

Polperro can be accessed via the B3359, it is 4.5 miles from Looe, and 24 miles from St Austell.

Cornwall Info: WEATHER - MAP

Related Links: Fowey Map - Liskeard Map - Truro Map