St Neots Map

St Neots map, showing the Cambridgeshire market town of St Neots, south-west of Huntingdon.

Detailed Street Map of St Neots Cambridgeshire

St Neots Map Cambridgeshire: Detailed Google street map of St Neots, a historic Cambridgeshire market town on the River Great Ouse to the south-west of Huntingdon.

The map is interactive, with navigation buttons allowing you to get a St Neots town centre map, showing St Neots Museum, St Neots Library, St Neots Parish Church and the St Neots Railway Station.

Also on this St Neots map are the River Ouse, the areas of Eaton Ford, Eaton Socon and Eynesbury, and the railway line and station serving the town.

St Neots: This ancient market town lying on the River Great Ouse in Cambridgeshire, developed around a tenth century Benedictine priory, today it has a population of around 26,000.

Worth a look in St Neots is the medieval cathedral like church (St Mary the Virgin), which was originally built in the late 12th century, the town also boasts some interesting old inns, which are clustered around the old market place. To get a background history of the town, head for the St Neots Museum.

St Neots can be reached by way of the A1 and the A428, both shown on this St Neots map. The town is approximately 14 miles from Huntingdon, 20 miles from Cambridge, and 58 miles from London.

Cambridgeshire Information: Cambridgeshire Map

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