Todmorden Map

Todmorden map, view the location of the West Yorkshire town of Todmorden and its surrounding areas.

Detailed Street Map of Todmorden West Yorkshire

Todmorden Map: Above you can view a useful, interactive, google map of Todmorden, displaying the town situated in West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.

Making use of the interactive controls on the upper left of the map you can zoom in to display a detailed street map of Todmorden or pan around to view adjacent West Yorkshire areas, by zooming right in you can get a Todmorden town centre map.

Other interactive controls enable you to view a terrain or satellite map of Todmorden.

Among the areas you can also see on this Todmorden map by using zoom out feature are: Lumbutts, Hawks Stones, Sandbed, Trough Gate, Blackshaw Head, Shawforth, Midgehole, Heptonstall.

A market town with a population of about 15,000, Todmorden is in the county of West Yorkshire, situated to the south-east of Burnley, and some seventeen miles from the city of Manchester. Todmorden can be accessed by road and rail, with Todmorden railway station being located in Station Approach Todmorden. Local Todmorden attractions include the Town Hall, the Hippodrome Theatre, Dobroyd Castle and its outdoor and indoor markets.

As can be seen on this Todmorden map, the town can be accessed by way of the A646 and the A6033.

Yorkshire Information: Yorkshire Map

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