Northallerton Map

Northallerton map, handy interactive map of Northallerton a well to do market town located in North Yorkshire.

Detailed Street Map of Northallerton North Yorkshire

Northallerton Map: Above is a handy map of Northallerton, a market town located in the Vale of Mowbray in North Yorkshire. Use the zoom (+) feature to get an even more detailed street map of Northallerton town centre and find any required destination in the town of Northallerton.

Northallerton North Yorkshire: An affluent market town dating back to Roman times, Northallerton is in the district of Hambleton in North Yorkshire, close to the western edge of the North Yorks Moors National Park. Northallerton has a population of 15,742 (census 2001) and developed as an important trading town on the main route between London and Edinburgh. Northallerton was the site of the Battle of the Standard in 1138, one of many conflicts between the Scots and the English.

Clearly shown on this Northallerton map are Northallerton Railway Station (East Coast Main Line), the Bullamoor Memorial Park and Romanby.

Northallerton can be reached via the A167, the A684 and the A168, it is close to the A19 which runs along the western edge of the North Yorks Moors. Northallerton is a driving distance of 8 miles from Bedale, 9 miles from Thirsk, 12 miles from Catterick (and Catterick Racecourse), and 32 miles from York.

Northallerton Map Links: Catterick Map - Bridlington Map