Basildon Map

Basildon map, view the location of the Essex town of Basildon, situated to the south of Chelmsford.

Detailed Street Map of Basildon Essex

Basildon Map Essex: Here is an interactive map of Basildon, showing the Essex town situated in in eastern England. Use controls to view a detailed street map of Basildon and nearby.

Also on this Basildon map are Laindon, Wickford, North Benfleet, South Green, Little Burstead, Great Burstead, Langdon Hills, Vange, Pitsea and Fobbing, also shown are Thorndon Country Park and the Basildon Golf Club.

Another of Essex's new towns, Basildon developed after the Second World War to house London's overspill, the resulting new town swallowed up the villages of Pitsea, Vange, Basildon and Laindon, Basildon now has a population of over 100,000.

While in Basildon visit the Wat Tyler Country Park, Mopsies Park, the Barleylands Craft Village and Farm Centre, Rayleigh Mount, and the Hadleigh Country Park. Golfers can play a round or two at the Basildon Golf Club in Cley Hill Lane.

Basildon can be accessed from the A13, the A127 and the A176, it also has rail links with central London (Fenchurch Street) and Southend-on-Sea.

Local Weather: Essex Weather

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